“The Art of Escape”: Poetry Book Illustrations

  • Graphite on paper

  • 6 inches x 9 inches

  • Forty-five total drawings

In December of 2023, I saw a Facebook post from a fellow creative I knew from the slam poetry scene in my home town. In her post, she was looking for illustrators, or recommendations for illustrations, for her third and upcoming published poem book, “The Art of Escape.” I taught myself how to sculpt and paint in realism based on the way I was taught to draw figures in high school, so I knew I was the woman for the job.

We discussed the parameters for the project, and I began drafting a contract that would honor both of our needs. I also completed the first illustration by way of audition; there were two other artists interested in the project. Trier was sold on my drawing, and we both happily signed the contract after making mutual edits. Each contract I draft is open to editing by the client; I never want either party to sign until we are both totally satisfied with the terms. I began illustrating January of 2024, and finished my last drawing the following September.

Depending on the complexity and parameters of the project, my illustrations average between $50 and $100 each for the whole project. If you are interested in having your book or project illustrated, or a similarly-styled pencil drawing commission, please feel free to reach out on my contact page.

If you’re interested in the book (which I highly recommend), you can get it from Trier’s website at www.trierward.com as of December 15, 2024, along with her two other books. I will also have twenty signed copies available here on my website when the book is released. I also have prints of these illustrations available here on my website.


Hand-Painted Business Logo: Watercolor


Shadow with Flowers: Acrylic Painting